Thursday, September 19, 2013
Teams share their sport with fellow students.
Burlington, VT; The University of Vermont Shooting Sports Teams held a New Shooter’s Clinic this past Saturday. The clinic was focused on “Student’s teaching Students” where members of the shooting sports teams taught fellow students from the university. They learned how to safely handle and use pistols and shotguns. The clinic was paid for with help from a grant from the Friends of The NRA and firearms.
Over 40 students attended the clinic with nearly 50 percent them being women. Women were not just those attending the clinic to learn but those teaching it as well. Jennie Fritch, a member of the Pistol Team, helped teach her fellow students the basics in pistol marksmanship and had a lot fun doing it, " It was a lot of fun! They all listened well and it was fun teaching what I love to new shooters."
This was not just for having fun and sharing their sport, but also for looking for new members for both the shotgun and pistol teams. The pistol team did well last year at the SPP National Championships and their Capt Laura Michalak wants to add to their stable of shooters. She was there in the thick of it, teaching and helping the attendees, "I thought it went really well. I was really impressed with how well everyone shot, especially for their first time, and I think we have a lot of promising candidates for the team this year." This recruitment also includes the shotgun team, where their Captain, Greg Roy, was on hand overseeing the shotgun portion. "It went really well. Had a good showing. A few new shooters are looking to get more into it and maybe do some competition shooting." says Greg.
The team captains see a lot future team members in the group that came to the clinic and can not wait for them to start practicing with the teams full time. With more clinics planned for the future, provided that additional funding can be found, we will see their teams grow.