Maumee, OH - Twelve squads, from seven teams, met at Epping, NH, Sunday April 14th for the Scholastic Pistol Program's (SPP) Northeast Spring Collegiate Regional hosted by the SIG SAUER Academy.
The University of Vermont (UVM) Shooting Sports Club took first place in both the Centerfire and Rimfire Divisions at the Regional Match. In the Centerfire (Varsity) Division, UVM's squad "A" placed 1st with Elay, finishing 2nd over the Crimson-Clad Squad from Harvard who came in 3rd. UVM continued its medal winning ways by taking 1st and 2nd in the Rimfire (Junior Varsity) Division over New England rival University of New Hampshire who placed 3rd and 4th in their
first match.
While this was a collegiate match, teams from SPP Junior and Senior Divisions were invited to come and get real match experience. Teams from the Holyoke (MA) Revolver Club Steel Shooters, Venture Crew 556 (NH) and US Naval Sea Cadets, USS Newport News (CA-148) Division, Concord, New Hampshire competed in both Centerfire (Varsity) and Rimfire (Junior Varsity) divisions.
"With a so many teams attending, we were able to have each new team squaded with an experienced one to help mentor the new shooters," said Scott Moore, SPP National Director. "I really appreciate UVM, Elay and Harvard for their help; this is what the SPP is all about."
In addition to hosting the match, the SIG SAUER Academy supplied staffers as well as supplied discounted 9mm ammunition on site for purchase by the teams. Assisting match director and SPP stage designer, Paul Dandini were local Safety Officers (SO). Ed Fitzgerald, Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) Board of Trustee member and GLOCK SPP liaison was also on hand to supply loaner handguns and assist in the match.
All teams, both college and JR/SR divisions attending will receive deposits in their MidwayUSA Foundation Scholastic Shooting Trust (SST) team account. The total SST amount the teams earned for this match was $33,000. To date, during this SPP competition year, teams have earned $237,000 thanks to the MidwayUSA Foundation.
SPP is supported, in part, by founding partners GLOCK, Smith & Wesson and Action Target. Additional partners include Atlanta Arms & Ammunition, PACT Timers, Tactical Solutions and Winchester Ammunition among others.
For additional information on the new SPP program or to register your team, contact Director Scott Moore via e-mail at jsmoore357@yahoo.com.
The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) is responsible for all aspects of the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP) across the United States, including participant registration, coaches, state coordinators, state and national championships, promotion, communications, websites, public relations and growth strategies The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation exists to raise funding and other resources for Youth Development Programs in the shooting sports industry.
SCTP and SPP are youth development programs, originally developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), where adult coaches and volunteers model sportsmanship, responsibility, honesty, ethics, integrity, and teamwork while using shooting sports programs to teach these and other positive life skills to the athletes.
To learn more about SCTP or SPP call (419) 794-9924 or visit their website at www.shootsctp.org